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Jean Sweeney Open Space Park Fund

December 16, 2018
It's Now An Official Park In The City Of Alameda!

The day after the official opening of the Jean Sweeney Open Space Park, many people came back to enjoy the largest park in Alameda. While only 1/3rd of the park is developed, the entire 27 acres is open to be enjoyed. The other 2/3rd portion of the park will be developed when funding is available.

Play Playground Day After

This mountain sculpture is a water feature. Push the button and water flows down the mountain. The sculpture is centered in a sand box. Children seem to love to build sand dams in the sculputure to back up the water into puddles for them to play in.

Sand Playing

Click the large arrow to start a video of December 16th, the day after the opening, as people return to play in the park.

Problem with video: If the video doesn't start, put your curser in the black box and click the tiny arrow in the lower left corner. If the video is already running, put your curser in the video box. Click on the small moving square box at the bottom and move it back to the left side.

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Published on:  January 24, 2019