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Initiative Statement Appears in Voter Pamphlet

The initiative for the rezoning of the Belt Line Railroad Switching Yard from M1 and R2 to (O)open space appeared on the 2002 November ballot as Measure E.

The City of Alameda also placed a competing initiative on the ballot. This initiative was Measure D.

Yes on E, No on D

The voter pamphlet text statement for Measure E:

Shall an ordinance be adopted amending the General Plan by changing the land use designation of the Alameda Beltline Railroad Yard Property bound by Marina Village Business Park, Constitution Way and Sherman Street from Medium-Density Residential, General Industry and Parks & Public Open Space to Parks and Public Open Space and making conforming amendments to specified sections and tables in the General Plan and to the Zoning Map provided by the Alameda City Zoning Ordinance?
Read the full voter pamphlet text and results of Measure E vote count Click Here

The voter pamphlet text statement for Measure D:

Shall an ordinance be enacted suspending the effective date of Measure E on this ballot until the voters at a future election authorize funding to pay for the private property affected by Measure E, if the City is required by a court to compensate the owner for that property?
Read the full voter pamphlet text and results of Measure D vote count Click Here

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Published on:  January 12, 2014